Our 2023 Team

Would you like to invest in the lives of young people? Would you like a new and personal perspective on missions? God can use you in the country of Ecuador!

This summer we have the unique opportunity to serve in schools around Quito and the Galapagos island. We will use English instruction as an avenue to produce an opportunity to share the gospel. No matter what your skills, there will be opportunity for anyone to serve throughout this two-week mission trip.

Our team will be serving not just in a school setting, but also in local churches,  providing opportunities for ministry throughout this action-packed trip. Although not necessary, it is helpful if applicants have experience in speaking Spanish, teaching English (ESL), and/or are knowledgeable on basic creation apologetics. We will equip you with the tools you need for the trip. The only requirements are to be humble, flexible, team-minded, and have a desire to serve and a willingness to work hard.

This summer’s trip will be an intense and rewarding opportunity to reach others for Christ. If you are interested in joining the trip, we want you to apply!

Use the “Contact” tab to email the team leader or call YOM at 850-430-9772 with any questions.

Team members coming soon

Are you interested in being a member of our team? Apply using the link below!

join our team

Ready to serve on the mission field? Sign up for one of our short-term missions opportunities available each summer.