our leaders

Caleb bomske

I grew up on Vancouver Island, in Canada’s Pacific Northwest. I came to Pensacola Christian College (PCC) as an undergraduate biology major in 2011 and was active in door-to-door missions in the Pensacola area. Later, as faculty at PCC, I co-led missions teams to Ecuador in 2016 (Quito, Santo Domingo) and 2018 (Galapagos). I’m excited to be serving in this capacity again in 2023!

Although my professional education is in wetlands ecology and herpetology, my primarily purpose and calling is the furthering of God’s kingdom in Canada, the United States, Ecuador, and anywhere God leads me. The Galapagos have served as a holy grail to humanism because of Charles Darwin’s influence during the 19th century. Romans 1:20 identifies the creation as a universal testimony to God’s character. The beauty of creation is a testament to God’s love and creativity. This makes these islands the perfect place to share the gospel of Jesus!

It is my heart’s desire that people give praise and worship to God as our Creator and Father. It is through Jesus Christ that God created the world. Jesus is the ultimate culmination of God’s plan for humanity. Those who know Jesus personally are a part of His kingdom and are new creations! I pray that many people in Ecuador and around the world experience the spiritual rebirth that brings them into communion with their Creator. I pray that God finds in me and my fellow team members willing hearts that are able to be an active part in furthering His plan for the world.


Miss Autumn Pearson

English Faculty at PCC

Since I was a child, I have been interested in missions; and since joining the faculty of PCC, I have loved having the opportunity to serve on YOM teams to France, Brazil, and this year to Ecuador! It is a privilege to be a part of missions affecting the hearts of our students. Each year, I pray that the Lord increases our burden for the world and our dependence on Him. He has shown Himself faithful on each trip, and I am thankful to be able to go again this summer!

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Ready to serve on the mission field? Sign up for one of our short-term missions opportunities available each summer.