our field

The Land

When you imagine Galapagos, you might think of Charles Darwin and the false teachings of humanism. However, when you visit this region, you’ll find that the Galapagos islands give a beautiful testimony of God’s wonderful creation.


The People

The spiritual harvest truly is plenteous in Galapagos. But false religions, scientism, humanism, and secularism are visibly present, often contributing to the spiritual bondage of the people in the Galapagos.

Although Catholicism is the main religion in Latin American countries, including Ecuador, most still need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


The Missions Work

Opportunities to witness for Christ abound in Galapagos. Whether on the island of Santa Cruz or Isabela, people are ready to hear about the gospel.


Each year, the Lord has allowed YOM’s team to see hundreds of professions of salvation, and many Christians encouraged in the faith. Our ultimate goal is to help Pastor Loyola so he can have a greater impact on the islands for Christ.

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for team Ecuador (ESL)